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Rural Connection

Understanding communication as an exchange of feelings, opinions, and needs through speech, writing or other types of signals, we are oriented to the fact that this line has as its main objective to connect rural youth through dialogue and exchange of experiences among them, institutions and community, with emphasis on their associative, community and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Line Coordinator

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Walter Montoya

Entrepreneurship Technical Advisor

I am a public administrator, passionate about the field and support efforts that generate community welfare. I am creative and I like to design proposals that can provide solutions to social problems. In ASOJE I am a technical project advisor. For 10 years I have accompanied the formation of associative groups of rural youth. I have provided advice in the design and implementation of processes such as the National Network of Rural Youth in Colombia and Peru. The CHAO COVID 19 project in Colombia and Honduras. CONPES 173 and 4040 and La Alianza.

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Flagship Projects


La Conversa (The Conversation)

To enable dialogue and connection between rural youth through the exchange of experiences and communication products that feed knowledge and contribute to improve access to good practices developed by young people in rural areas; and to enrich the participation of the young population.

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Red Nacional de Jóvenes Rurales (RNJR) or
National Rural Youth Network (NRYN)

Accompany the creation and strengthening of local nodes that promote associativity and collaborative work in THE NETWORK.

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La Alianza (The Alliance)

To provide a virtual space for interaction in which rural youth in Latin America can exchange their culture, knowledge, experiences, best practices, ideas, offers, demands and challenges for the development of a more dynamic and attractive rural environment.

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Address: Road 5 # 12-57 Neighborhood Alto Buenos Aires,

Puerto Salgar, Cundinamarca - Colombia
Contact: (+57) 317 5528305


Address: Terramar 2000 apartment 5 D. Via Israel - Panama
Contact: (507) 6778 4041

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